Our Church History
Nazaree Baptist Church #2 was organized, under the leadership of Rev. E. Lewis in 1945, and was housed on the corner of Berkley Avenue and Main Street. It was moved to the home of Sis. Curley Harper on First Avenue.
In 1946, Rev. Wash Howard Taylor was called to the pastorate of Nazaree Baptist #2. In 1949, a tower building was begun and was completed in 1951. The church grew under the leadership of Rev. W. H. Taylor, and he continued to pastor for many years as a faithful and dedicated servant of the Lord. When his health began to fail, Rev. Joseph Daniel Phillips was called in 1977 to assist Pastor Taylor with his duties. In 1979 Rev. Taylor retired as pastor and Rev. Joseph D. Phillips assumed the pastorate of Nazaree #2. This great servant Rev. Wash Howard Taylor was called home by the Lord on February 11, 1982.
Rev. Phillips accepted his call to Nazaree #2 with all sincerity and a firm determination to fulfill his promise to God to teach, preach, and live according to the Word of God and to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the years, Nazaree #2 continued to grow as Pastor Phillips taught and preached the Word of God.
As Pastor Phillips grew in the things of God, God began to tell him that it was time to move on to another level in the Spirit. In the Bay Area Christian Voice Newspaper (1995) Pastor Phillips was asked to explain “Full Gospel.” Pastor Phillips said, “We believe the Full Gospel includes the proclamation of both the eternal power of Calvary and the potential power of Pentecost; the baptizing power of Jesus Christ for salvation because of Calvary; and the filing/controlling power of the Holy Ghost for service and holy victorious living because of Pentecost. We also believe in Jesus Christ as the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit whereby He, by means of the Holy Spirit, brings men and women at salvation into relationship with himself and his Body the church.”
History Cont’d..
Pastor Joseph Daniel Phillips was anointed as Bishop Phillips during the expansion years of the church. He fellowshipped with churches who called Nazaree their covering. In June 2019, the Lord called home the man of God, the Pastor of Nazaree Full Gospel Church.
He accomplished much during his tenure: moving into an edifice located on the service road of Interstate 65; he oversaw the building of Nazaree Christian School; but most importantly, he introduced people to Jesus Christ and nurtured these lives in the Five-Fold Ministry.
As a result of the passing of our beloved pastor-teacher, a pastor-search committee was formed. After prayer and a diligent search, on December 3, 2019, the Lord blessed Nazaree Full Gospel Church with its 4th Pastor/Undershepherd: Wesley D. Davis, Jr., an energetic young husband and father of 4 children, a lover and teacher of the Word of God, a young man with the heart of a pastor who has been passed the baton to take this church to higher heights in the Lord.
Although we started 75 years ago as Nazaree #2, we are Nazaree Full Gospel Church, the Church still controlled by the same one spirit who is the Holy Spirit. We still believe in ministering to the total man, laying hands on the sick, anointing with oil, praise and worship, lifting of holy hands, for we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are the Church of Integrity, Character, Stewardship, Excellence, and Service operating with Mutual Trust, Mutual Respect, and Mutual Accountability.
We are forever grateful to God for His grace and mercy in keeping Nazaree Full Gospel Church in His keeping care. As we continue to grow in the Lord, we are in a posture and mindset to Reset, Renew, and Rebuild, all to and for the glory of the Only True and Living God.